
Post Traumatic Stress

PTS ......is a condition of persistent mental and emotion stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock. Depression and Anxiety are the most recognised feelings attached to PTS. Symptoms of difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance, fear, anger guilt shame, irritable or aggressive behaviour concentrations and much more.

PTS - Post Traumatic Stress is a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.

PTS usually occurs from a Traumatic Experience, Serious Injury, Sexual Violation which the person may have directly experienced or witnessed the event. Professionals in the fields of Police, Fire, Ambulance, Armed Forces of repetitive exposure through their work may often show signs of PTS.

The symptoms are many, difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of places, objects, situations, places and people, fear, anger, guilt, shame, irritable or aggressive behaviour, concentration and much more. Depression and Anxiety are the most recognised feelings attached to PTS. Please read the information on my website about Depression and Anxiety.

Hypnotherapy is widely used around the world for PTS with excellent results. The clients experience this in a safe and controlled environment.

In my sessions of Hypnotherapy the client is given resources, tools and shown direction for the future which can be successfully achieved. My goal to you is to restore your physical, emotional and mental ability to regain your life and remove the negativities associated with your trauma. During my sessions we will discuss my other therapies which are extremely affected with PTS.

Clients may be required to obtain written authorisation from their Medical Practitioner, Health Care Professional and/or Specialist prior to commencing sessions.

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