
Julie Ferguson

My name is Julie Ferguson. I have been helping people of all ages for the past 22 years and every day is just as rewarding as the day before that. I love to see positive changes in people which allows them to move forward and break through barriers which they never thought possible.

Life Long Journey

My life has been filled with experiences which I have gained knowledge, understanding and life long friendships.

Personal Insight

Married for 36 years have two wonderful children and two grand-kiddies. I love helping people, life, happiness, laughter, positives, animals and most of all my family. I enjoy Camping, Rest and Relaxation, Riding, Sky-Diving and Baking.

I Am Here For You

Fully Accredited Hypnotherapist, Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, Counsellor, Past Life Regression Therapist, Smoking Cessation Practitioner, Thought Field Therapist, Practitioner Of Childrens Hypnosis, OldPain2Go Therapist & Life and Success Coach.


Diploma in Modern Psychology (Dip mod Psych), Master Hypnotherapy(MH) & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP MPrac), Counsellor (Coun), Past Life Regression (PLR), TFT Algo Therapist (TFT Algo), Life and Success Coach Certification and Certified OldPain2Go Practitioner.

Training & Certifications

I trained at The Mind Academy a Fully Accredited College. It was an experience like no other. The professionalism, skilled teachings, guidance and support from the teachers were of the highest standards. Professionals, Students, Teachers from all around the world have come to experience this unique Academy giving us all the edge above the rest. The Mind Academy continues their support and guidance well after you have received your Qualifications and Life Long Friendships continue forward.


I Am Here To Help You Create Change

Make The Change Today For A Better Tomorrow

Contact Julie

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