

Julie Ferguson is an accredited Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, Life Coach, Thought Field and Past Life Regression Therapist.

Unwanted Habits, Stop Drinking Alcohol, Children and more.

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Your problem is your solution.

Welcome to my website where you have just made the first positive move, for a positive change in your life. That was the hardest step.... and now it just gets easier.

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"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got"
Jim Rohn


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Unwanted Habits

Unwanted Habits are generally created from an early age. At the time the habits serve us well, then we repeat those behaviours and sometime into the future they don't serve us at all. When we try to overcome our Unwanted Habits our sub conscious mind safeguards the already know, and fears the unknown.

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I Am Here To Help You Create Change

Make The Change Today For A Better Tomorrow

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